Thursday, May 12, 2005


I have nothing to write about so I figure that I'll write about just that, nothing. My life is pretty mundane lately, not much exciting happening. I managed to rake my entire yard free of pine needles and with five pine trees that is a big feat, so I should be excited about that. I started going to the pool and swimming every other day, it's quite the work out. I hate going to the gym and working with weights because it's always such a "who's is bigger" type feeling and I hate that. I'm going to start taking classes again during the "summer session" so I can get this damn degree off my back. Sometimes I think that I should have gone to school full time, but I'd probably just party to much or something, so maybe it's better that I didn't. The last Star Wars comes out next week. I'm looking forward to that, I'm not a huge Star Wars geek, I just watch them for entertainment and not a way of life. Some kids, and adults now, just go way to far off the deep end when it comes to Star Wars and Star Trek, I think the Lord of the Rings now has a cult following just like the other two. Very strange to me, but hey what ever. I enjoy the movies and books, but I would never live my life according to George Lucas, J.R. Tolkein, or Anne Rice. If I had to pick a life director, it would probably be Anne Rice, since that's the one I follow the most as far as making sure I see/read all work. Dave Matthews Band has a new album out, I guess they call them CD's now, but album just rolls better, in my opinion. I've heard one track and I like it, so I'll probably pick the whole thing up this week or next. Well if you can think of anything else, let me know...